

This page describes all variables that exist within the ZUI.

Name Type Description
zui-alert-danger-background color The background color of a dangerous alert.
zui-alert-danger-border color The border of a dangerous alert.
zui-alert-danger-border-color color The border color of a dangerous alert.
zui-alert-font-icon-danger string The icon character that is used for dangerous alerts.
zui-alert-font-icon-info string The icon character that is used for information alerts.
zui-alert-font-icon-subtle string The icon character that is used for warning alerts.
zui-alert-font-icon-success string The icon character that is used for success alerts.
zui-alert-font-icon-warning string The icon character that is used for warning alerts.
zui-alert-info-background color The background color of an information alert.
zui-alert-info-border color The border of an information alert.
zui-alert-info-border-color color The border color of an information alert.
zui-alert-subtle-background color The background color of a subtle alert.
zui-alert-subtle-border color The border of a subtle alert.
zui-alert-subtle-border-color color The border color of a subtle alert.
zui-alert-success-background color The background color of a success alert.
zui-alert-success-border color The border of a success alert.
zui-alert-success-border-color color The border color of a success alert.
zui-alert-warning-background color The background color of a warning alert.
zui-alert-warning-border color The border of a warning alert.
zui-alert-warning-border-color color The border color of a warning alert.
zui-anchor-color color The color of anchors.
zui-anchor-color-disabled color The color of disabled anchors.
zui-anchor-cursor-disabled cursor The cursor used for anchors that are disabled.
zui-anchor-text-decoration text-decoration The text decoration of anchors.
zui-anchor-text-decoration-hover text-decoration The text decoration of anchors when hovered.
zui-badge-background color The background color of a badge.
zui-badge-color color The text color of a badge.
zui-badge-selector string The selector used to match badges.
zui-banner-danger-background color The background color of a dangerous banner.
zui-banner-danger-color color The text color of a dangerous banner.
zui-banner-danger-link-color color The anchor color of a dangerous banner.
zui-banner-danger-selector string The selector that matches dangerous banners.
zui-banner-info-background color The background color of an information banner.
zui-banner-info-color color The text color of an information banner.
zui-banner-info-link-color color The anchor color of an information banner.
zui-banner-selector string The selector that matches banners.
zui-banner-success-background color The background color of a success banner.
zui-banner-success-color color The text color of a success banner.
zui-banner-success-link-color color The anchor color of a success banner.
zui-banner-success-selector string The selector that matches success banners.
zui-banner-warning-background color The background color of a warning banner.
zui-banner-warning-color color The text color of a warning banner.
zui-banner-warning-link-color color The anchor color of a warning banner.
zui-banner-warning-selector string The selector that matches warning banners.
zui-blanket-background-color color The background color of the blanket.
zui-blanket-opacity float The opacity value which is a vlaue between 0 and 1.
zui-blanket-selector string The name of the class used for the blanket.
zui-blanket-transition transition The transition of the blanket.
zui-blanket-transition-delay time The transition delay before the blanket is shown.
zui-blanket-z-index color The background color of the blanket.
zui-blockquote-border-color color The border color of blockquotes.
zui-blockquote-border-size size The border size of blockquotes.
zui-blockquote-border-style border-style The border style of blockquotes.
zui-blockquote-color color The textual color of blockquotes.
zui-blockquote-margin margin The margin of blockquotes.
zui-blockquote-padding padding The padding of blockquotes.
zui-body-background size The background color of the body.
zui-body-font-color color The font color of the body.
zui-body-font-family size The font family of the body.
zui-body-font-size size The font size of the body.
zui-body-font-style font-style The font style of the body.
zui-body-font-weight font-weight The font weight of the body.
zui-body-line-height size The line height of the body.
zui-color-alert color The color used for alerts. This is used for the "top bar" and "alert" patterns.
zui-color-black color The primary color black.
zui-color-blue color The primary color blue.
zui-color-green color The primary color green.
zui-color-info color The color used for information. This is used for the "top bar" and "alert" patterns.
zui-color-primary color The primary color used throughout the library.
zui-color-primary-border color The primary color for borders used throughout the library.
zui-color-primary-hover color The primary color used throughout the library when hovered over elements.
zui-color-red color The primary color red.
zui-color-secondary color The secondary color used throughout the library.
zui-color-secondary-hover color The secondary color used throughout the library when hovered over elements.
zui-color-success color The color used for success. This is used for the "top bar" and "alert" patterns.
zui-color-warning color The color used for warnings. This is used for the "top bar" and "alert" patterns.
zui-color-white color The primary color white.
zui-color-yellow color The primary color yellow.
zui-cursor-alias-value cursor Indicating an alias or shortcut is to be created.
zui-cursor-all-scroll-value cursor Cursor showing that something can be scrolled in any direction (panned).
zui-cursor-auto-value cursor The browser determines the cursor to display based on the current context.
zui-cursor-cell-value cursor Indicating that cells can be selected.
zui-cursor-col-resize-value cursor The item/column can be resized horizontally. Often rendered as arrows pointing left and right with a vertical bar separating.
zui-cursor-context-menu-value cursor A context menu is available under the cursor.
zui-cursor-copy-value cursor Indicating that something can be copied.
zui-cursor-crosshair-value cursor Cross cursor, often used to indicate selection in a bitmap.
zui-cursor-default-value cursor Default cursor, typically an arrow.
zui-cursor-e-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-ew-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-grab-value cursor Indicates that something can be grabbed (dragged to be moved).
zui-cursor-grabbing-value cursor Indicates that something can be grabbed (dragged to be moved).
zui-cursor-help-value cursor Indicating help is available.
zui-cursor-move-value cursor The hovered object may be moved.
zui-cursor-n-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-ne-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-nesw-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-no-drop-value cursor Cursor showing that a drop is not allowed at the current location.
zui-cursor-none-value cursor No cursor is rendered.
zui-cursor-not-allowed-value cursor Cursor showing that something cannot be done.
zui-cursor-ns-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-nw-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-nwse-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-pointer-value cursor E.g. used when hovering over links, typically a hand.
zui-cursor-progress-value cursor The program is busy in the background but the user can still interact with the interface (unlike for wait).
zui-cursor-row-resize-value cursor The item/row can be resized vertically. Often rendered as arrows pointing up and down with a horizontal bar separating them.
zui-cursor-s-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-se-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-sw-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-text-value cursor Indicating text can be selected, typically an I-beam.
zui-cursor-vertical-text-value cursor Indicating that vertical text can be selected, typically a sideways I-beam.
zui-cursor-w-resize-value cursor Some edge is to be moved. For example, the se-resize cursor is used when the movement starts from the south-east corner of the box.
zui-cursor-wait-value cursor The program is busy (sometimes an hourglass or a watch).
zui-cursor-zoom-in-value cursor Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) in.
zui-cursor-zoom-out-value cursor Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) out.
zui-dialog-background background The background of a dialog.
zui-dialog-border border The border of a dialog.
zui-dialog-border-radius size The border radius of a dialog.
zui-dialog-border-radius-size-full size The border radius for full screen dialogs.
zui-dialog-footer-background color The background -color used for the footer.
zui-dialog-footer-height height The height of the dialog footer.
zui-dialog-footer-padding padding The padding used for the footer.
zui-dialog-header-background background The background color of the dialog header.
zui-dialog-header-color color The font color of the header.
zui-dialog-header-font-size size The font size of the header.
zui-dialog-header-height height The height of the header.
zui-dialog-header-padding padding The padding used for the header.
zui-dialog-hint-color color The font color of hints.
zui-dialog-hint-line-height size The line-height used for the hints.
zui-dialog-menu-width size The width of a page menu.
zui-dialog-min-height size The minimum height of a dialog.
zui-dialog-selector string The selector for dialogs.
zui-dialog-selector-footer string The selector for the footer.
zui-dialog-selector-footer-left string The selector for the left footer.
zui-dialog-selector-footer-right string The selector for the right footer.
zui-dialog-selector-full string The selector for full size dialogs.
zui-dialog-selector-header string The selector for the dialog title.
zui-dialog-selector-hint string The selector for a hint in the footer.
zui-dialog-selector-inline string The selector for inline dialogs.
zui-dialog-selector-large string The selector for large dialogs.
zui-dialog-selector-medium string The selector for medium dialogs.
zui-dialog-selector-menu string The selector for the menu.
zui-dialog-selector-page string The selector for the page.
zui-dialog-selector-page-body string The selector for the body of the page.
zui-dialog-selector-panel string The selector for the panel.
zui-dialog-selector-panel-no-padding string The selector for the panel that should not have padding.
zui-dialog-selector-small string The selector for small dialogs.
zui-dialog-selector-tiny string The selector for tiny dialogs.
zui-dialog-selector-xlarge string The selector for extra large dialogs.
zui-dialog-size-full-height size The width of a full screen dialog.
zui-dialog-size-full-width size The height of a full screen dialog.
zui-dialog-size-large-height size The height of a large size dialog.
zui-dialog-size-large-width size The width of a large size dialog.
zui-dialog-size-medium-height size The height of a medium size dialog.
zui-dialog-size-medium-width size The width of a medium size dialog.
zui-dialog-size-small-height size The height of a small dialog.
zui-dialog-size-small-width size The width of a small dialog.
zui-dialog-size-tiny-height size The height of a tiny dialog.
zui-dialog-size-tiny-width size The width of a tiny dialog.
zui-dialog-size-xlarge-height size The height of an extra large size dialog.
zui-dialog-size-xlarge-width size The width of an extra large size dialog.
zui-dialog-z-index integer The z-index used for dialogs.
zui-file-selection-selector string The selector for the file selection dialog.
zui-flexgrid-class-container string The name of the class used to define a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-container-fluid string The name of the class used to define a fluid flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-lg-column string The prefix of the class used to define a large size column in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-lg-push string The prefix of the class used to push an element in a large size column in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-md-column string The prefix of the class used to define a medium size column in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-md-push string The prefix of the class used to push an element in a mediumn size column in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-row string The name of the class used to define a row in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-row-reverse string The name of the class used to define a row in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-sm-column string The prefix of the class used to define a small size column in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-sm-push string The prefix of the class used to push an element in a small size column in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-xs-column string The prefix of the class used to define an extra small size column in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-class-xs-push string The prefix of the class used to push an element in an extra small size column in a flexgrid container.
zui-flexgrid-column-count integer The amount of columns to use in the grid.
zui-flexgrid-media-query-lg string The media query used to match large screens.
zui-flexgrid-media-query-md string The media query used to match medium screens.
zui-flexgrid-media-query-sm string The media query used to match small screens.
zui-flexgrid-media-query-xs string The media query used to match extra small screens.
zui-font-content-arrow-down string The content character for icon arrow-down.
zui-font-content-arrow-left string The content character for icon arrow-left.
zui-font-content-arrow-right string The content character for icon arrow-right.
zui-font-content-arrow-up string The content character for icon arrow-up.
zui-font-content-bookmark string The content character for icon bookmark.
zui-font-content-bug string The content character for icon bug.
zui-font-content-calendar string The content character for icon calendar.
zui-font-content-ccw string The content character for icon ccw.
zui-font-content-check string The content character for icon check.
zui-font-content-code string The content character for icon code.
zui-font-content-cw string The content character for icon cw.
zui-font-content-danger string The content character for icon danger.
zui-font-content-download string The content character for icon download.
zui-font-content-female string The content character for icon female.
zui-font-content-gear string The content character for icon gear.
zui-font-content-gift string The content character for icon gift.
zui-font-content-git-branch string The content character for icon git-branch.
zui-font-content-git-commit string The content character for icon git-commit.
zui-font-content-git-compare string The content character for icon git-compare.
zui-font-content-git-merge string The content character for icon git-merge.
zui-font-content-git-pull-request string The content character for icon git-pull-request.
zui-font-content-globe string The content character for icon globe.
zui-font-content-heart string The content character for icon heart.
zui-font-content-info string The content character for icon info.
zui-font-content-light-bulb string The content character for icon light-bulb.
zui-font-content-male string The content character for icon male.
zui-font-content-mention string The content character for icon mention.
zui-font-content-monitor string The content character for icon monitor.
zui-font-content-mortar-board string The content character for icon mortar-board.
zui-font-content-organization string The content character for icon organization.
zui-font-content-person string The content character for icon person.
zui-font-content-plus string The content character for icon plus.
zui-font-content-pulse string The content character for icon pulse.
zui-font-content-puzzle string The content character for icon puzzle.
zui-font-content-question string The content character for icon question.
zui-font-content-radio-tower string The content character for icon radio-tower.
zui-font-content-refresh string The content character for icon refresh.
zui-font-content-repo-forked string The content character for icon repo-forked.
zui-font-content-results string The content character for icon results.
zui-font-content-rocket string The content character for icon rocket.
zui-font-content-rss string The content character for icon rss.
zui-font-content-sort-asc string The content character for icon sort-asc.
zui-font-content-sort-desc string The content character for icon sort-desc.
zui-font-content-star string The content character for icon star.
zui-font-content-tags string The content character for icon tags.
zui-font-content-thumbnails string The content character for icon thumbnails.
zui-font-content-upload string The content character for icon upload.
zui-font-content-warning string The content character for icon warning.
zui-font-content-x string The content character for icon x.
zui-footer-anchor-color color The alignment of the footer.
zui-footer-background-color color The background color of the footer.
zui-footer-border-top border The top border of the footer.
zui-footer-class string The name of the class used to define a footer.
zui-footer-font font The font (usually just the size) of the footer.
zui-footer-line-height size The line height of the footer.
zui-footer-margin-size size The size left and right from the separator.
zui-footer-padding border The padding of the footer.
zui-footer-separator string The separator used in between the list items.
zui-footer-text-align alignment The alignment of the footer.
zui-header-h1-color color The color of an h1-element.
zui-header-h1-font-size color The font-size of an h1-element.
zui-header-h2-color color The color of an h2-element.
zui-header-h2-font-size color The font-size of an h2-element.
zui-header-h3-color color The color of an h3-element.
zui-header-h3-font-size color The font-size of an h3-element.
zui-header-h4-color color The color of an h4-element.
zui-header-h4-font-size color The font-size of an h4-element.
zui-header-h5-color color The color of an h5-element.
zui-header-h5-font-size color The font-size of an h5-element.
zui-header-h6-color color The color of an h6-element.
zui-header-h6-font-size color The font-size of an h6-element.
zui-header-small-color color The color of a small element within a header.
zui-header-small-font-size font-size The font-size of a small element within a header.
zui-horizontal-line-background color The background of the horizontal line. Usually just the color.
zui-horizontal-line-border size The border of the horizontal line. Usually just the size.
zui-horizontal-line-height size The height of the horizontal line.
zui-horizontal-line-margin size The margin of the horizontal line.
zui-horizontal-line-selector string The selector that matches a horizontal line.
zui-image-round-border-radius size The size of the border radius.
zui-image-round-selector string The selector for round images.
zui-list-margin margin The margin of lists
zui-namespace string The namespace that is used for data attributes. Set to false to have no namespace.
zui-note-background color The background color of a note.
zui-note-border border The border of a note.
zui-note-border-radius size The border radius of a note.
zui-note-max-width size The maximum width of a note.
zui-note-padding size The padding used within a note.
zui-pagination-anchor-margin rectangle The margin of the anchors in the pagination box.
zui-pagination-margin rectangle The margin of the pagination box.
zui-progress-bar-selector string The selector for the progress bar.
zui-progress-bar-selector-value string The selector for the progress bar value element.
zui-rem-base size The base value used to calculate the rem value from.
zui-status-blue-filled-background color The background color of a blue filled status.
zui-status-blue-filled-border color The border of a blue filled status.
zui-status-blue-filled-color color The color of a blue filled status.
zui-status-blue-subtle-background color The background color of a blue subtle status.
zui-status-blue-subtle-border color The border of a blue subtle status.
zui-status-blue-subtle-color color The color of a blue subtle status.
zui-status-brown-filled-background color The background color of a brown filled status.
zui-status-brown-filled-border color The border of a brown filled status.
zui-status-brown-filled-color color The color of a brown filled status.
zui-status-brown-subtle-background color The background color of a brown subtle status.
zui-status-brown-subtle-border color The border of a brown subtle status.
zui-status-brown-subtle-color color The color of a brown subtle status.
zui-status-default-filled-background color The background color of a filled status.
zui-status-default-filled-border color The border of a filled status.
zui-status-default-filled-color color The color of a filled status.
zui-status-default-subtle-background color The background color of a subtle status.
zui-status-default-subtle-border color The border of a subtle status.
zui-status-default-subtle-color color The color of a subtle status.
zui-status-green-filled-background color The background color of a green filled status.
zui-status-green-filled-border color The border of a green filled status.
zui-status-green-filled-color color The color of a green filled status.
zui-status-green-subtle-background color The background color of a green subtle status.
zui-status-green-subtle-border color The border of a green subtle status.
zui-status-green-subtle-color color The color of a green subtle status.
zui-status-red-filled-background color The background color of a red filled status.
zui-status-red-filled-border color The border of a red filled status.
zui-status-red-filled-color color The color of a red filled status.
zui-status-red-subtle-background color The background color of a red subtle status.
zui-status-red-subtle-border color The border of a red subtle status.
zui-status-red-subtle-color color The color of a red subtle status.
zui-status-yellow-filled-background color The background color of a yellow filled status.
zui-status-yellow-filled-border color The border of a yellow filled status.
zui-status-yellow-filled-color color The color of a yellow filled status.
zui-status-yellow-subtle-background color The background color of a yellow subtle status.
zui-status-yellow-subtle-border color The border of a yellow subtle status.
zui-status-yellow-subtle-color color The color of a yellow subtle status.
zui-subheader-h1-color color The subheader color of an h1-element.
zui-subheader-h1-font-size color The font-size of an h1 subheader element.
zui-subheader-h2-color color The subheader color of an h2-element.
zui-subheader-h2-font-size color The font-size of an h2 subheader element.
zui-subheader-h3-color color The subheader color of an h3-element.
zui-subheader-h3-font-size color The font-size of an h3 subheader element.
zui-subheader-h4-color color The subheader color of an h4-element.
zui-subheader-h4-font-size color The font-size of an h4 subheader element.
zui-subheader-h5-color color The subheader color of an h5-element.
zui-subheader-h5-font-size color The font-size of an h5 subheader element.
zui-subheader-h6-color color The subheader color of an h6-element.
zui-subheader-h6-font-size color The font-size of an h6 subheader element.
zui-top-bar-background color The background color of the top-bar.
zui-top-bar-border-bottom border The bottom border of the top-bar.
zui-top-bar-color color The textual color of the top-bar.
zui-top-bar-link-background color The background color of links.
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